Maple sweets and Cannoli a-plenty

New England is a unique place, and we made some great discoveries while there for 9 days. The cannoli (right) is one of them. It’s an amazing dessert that I tried for the first time. It was a gift from the volunteers at You & Your Girl in Syracuse!

Then upon arriving at the Vermont State Fair we were showered with maple gifts, which was amazing since I had said every day before then that I wanted to take home some maple syrup! I got my wish, times 3! We had to pack the syrup in our merchandise boxes, since the airlines wouldn’t give us any more weight in our bags… don’t you love flying?

This trip was sooo girl time, and it was great. We found the coolest spots to eat, visited quaint old towns on the coast of Maine, oh, and we did work as well. We had concerts in between all that!

What I loved most about the You and Your Girl conference (our 5th one with LifeWay!) in Syracuse, NY was the open hearts of the women and girls that came. God’s presence was powerful during worship, and our heart-to-hearts during the breakouts encouraged me so much. These are girls that are hungry for God! We were all at different places in our journey to know God better, some of us have been on that journey longer than others, but we all share in the common desire to know Him. Nothing else compares!

As I write this, I’m feeling quite stuffed after my mom made this amazing dinner (I helped too people!) and now I’m thinking ice cream would top it off perfectly. My iTunes shuffle just turned to Josh Groban Christmas. I think I’ll change it before I start wishing for snow!


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