“British-American sibling duo, Becca and Elissa Leander got their launch in the 33rd annual GMA Music in the Rockies conference, where they won “Best Over-All Vocal Group” in August of 2007. They have since recorded their third studio release, All Over The World, which has garnered recognition in the Christian music industry with several hit radio singles (“My Adoration” and “Edge Of My Seat”). Gentle strumming and captivating vocals characterize the Sonflowerz, and their comfort is no doubt in the acoustic genre.
The Sonflowerz wrote all of their songs, either on their own or in collaboration with others, and their heartfelt lyrics are outstanding. A couple tracks are so authentically worshipful that they could be incorporated in your praise set list – you can even download chord charts for them on the Sonflowerz website (“My Adoration” and “Cover Us”). All Over The World is a gorgeously inventive record, perhaps their strongest studio release yet. A relaxing listen with authentic lyrics, All Over The World is a varied record with a couple gems you can pull out for your own Sunday service.”
CD Review By Worship Leader Magazine