We just finished our Made To Shine event in New York! Hundreds of girls, moms and mentors gathered to hang out, worship with us, and hear about our identity in Christ.
For the first time we had our new edition available and almost sold out, which was so encouraging to see. As they open it, they’re continuing the journey we began. We shared what it means to be a follower of Christ-it’s an every-day journey knowing God and knowing who we are, because of what He’s done for us. Our book is a daily step toward a deeper understanding. I can’t wait to hear from the girls over the coming months how the event and book have made an impact on them.
Join with us on this journey! Made To Shine is available now for 11.99, and features the brand-new revamped edition from Discovery House Publishers. Whether you are a teen, or know someone who is, we all need someone to come alongside us as we say “Yes” to following Jesus. It’s not always easy, but it is an adventure worth pursuing wholeheartedly.
At the end of every event we do, I am amazed once again by a sense of how much God loves each girl we meet. I get to see the joy that overflows as she declares the truth that she is a daughter of the King.