2017 is here! A new year, a new start. Listening to one of my favorite speakers recently, Lisa Bevere, talked about making this your best year ever.
Gotta love those New Years Resolutions – you know, the lists you make on the first day or week… the personal goals – to be healthier, enjoy the outdoors more, or spiritual goals like praying more, serving at church…
Sometimes our grand goals just make us feel unworthy when we don’t hit them. Bringing back memories when we failed that test in the 12th grade.
Thankfully, Lisa didn’t talk about resolutions (since that’s flooding my social media feed right now!) and more about the heart. Perfection isn’t the goal, 100% attendance ribbons and whatnot, but to approach this year with a heart for God.
Just like we take down our Christmas lights from the tree and the ornaments after that, that warm holiday feeling slowly fades. No more “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” playing in Starbucks. I’m kind of sad about that, as someone who loves the carols and the cheery tunes from Frank Sinatra equally!
As we put away out decorations, let our heart for God not fade or grow dim! Let it shine brighter every day. Lisa had several practical thoughts on how to do this – which she had developed in her life – and the first is: write it down (you can find her Facebook page to read them all!)
So, I popped out one of my unopened journals (I collect them, admittedly) and started to do just that. Write my dreams for the new year, my prayers and faith-filled words, hoping to see things happen that only God can bring about. As I wrote, more ideas came, and I felt so encouraged as I poured out my heart to God.
Will I write every day? Probably not. That’s ok, it’s not a resolution that can be broken. But I will be filling that journal this year, with Scripture and prayers, and watch my faith grow.
Happy 2017 friends!
Keep shining,