In a New York City apartment building, two couples live as best friends in the show, I Love Lucy. Re-runs of black and white episodes from the 1950’s are my favorite to watch.
Lucy is a strong-willed, hilarious red head, married to Ricky, whose day job is a to sing for theater and 50’s TV. The show is often entails the couple getting into trouble with their best friends (who happen to be their neighbors) Fred and Ethel.
In one episode, Ricky brings home a $3,500 fur coat, which he is renting to use in his show the next day. Ethel comes by and sees the coat. She must try it on. Lucy happens to come home just in time in see Ethel wearing this fancy coat and immediately throws a fit thinking Ethel’s husband bought it for her.
The comedy is ramping up as Lucy burst into tears. “Why can’t I have one?” She cries hysterically and runs out of the room. Fred and Ricky exchange glances. “Well, you know Lucy wants everything Ethel has.” Ricky says.
Watching a grown woman throw such a fit is extremely entertaining. But, there’s some truth written into the script. As girls, we are prone to compare what we have with what other girls have. It could be clothes, beauty or anything else, but if left to our own sinful tendencies, girls can be highly competitive with each other.
This isn’t at all what God intends for His Daughters. He desires that we love one another. Jesus said, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34) In Philippians, Paul points out that loving our friends doesn’t involve comparisons and competition. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,” he says, “Rather, in humility value others above yourselves…” (Philippians 2:3)
We are meant to cheer our friends on, looking to encourage them through our words and actions.
Everyone is welcome and accepted in the sisterhood of Christ followers because God has created each of us uniquely and yet has redeemed each of us just the same. Finally, there will never be another you. That’s why it’s so important that you don’t try to compare yourself to anyone else. You are unrepeatable and therefore, incomparable. This is true for each one of us, but it starts with seeing this in yourself.
Next time you see your reflection, thank God for a specific quality or feature. No matter what you think about that body part! Say out loud, “God I thank you for giving me these darling eyes…” “I’m so thankful for my hips and my smiling lips…” “God, I’m so grateful you gave me these arms to lift…”
Everything that comes from God is a gift. Let’s respond to Him in a way that says, “Hey, this is a good gift – thanks Father!” Pretty soon, your heart will be glad for those eyes, hips and arms. God will show you their purposes and give you more peace with your unique body than ever before.
Gratefulness is one way we can honor God with our thoughts about our body and acknowledge our true beauty. Colossians says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. (Colossians 2:6-7)
Be the girl who looks for the true beauty – whether it’s in your mirror or in the face others. As you do this, you’ll lead others to understand more about God as you shine His radiance from the inside out.
The Sonflowerz