Last week we shared our first 5 tips for shining… how you live out being the light every day. Here are the final 5!
(6) Be a Worshipper
We were made by God to be in relationship with Him, and part of that is worship – which starts by thanking Him. Even in the midst of the stormy circumstances of life, we can root ourselves in Christ by receiving His love and offering a grateful heart for what He has done for us. Each of us have a voice to sing in worship, but it has to be more than words. It’s sincere and from the heart. God doesn’t want us to go through the motions – worship is meant to be so much more.
(7) Don’t Give Up
One of my heroes is William Wilberforce. He fought in the British parliament for the abolition of the slave trade in the 18th century. It took most of his lifetime to see the new law pass. Whenever I’m tempted to give up or lose hope, I think of Wilberforce. We are called to great purpose, but shining takes endurance when times are tough. The enemy would love us to quit, but God says, “I am in you so you have what it takes.”
(8) Choose Your Influencer
There is a plethora of opinions shouting at you, through magazines, social media, friends, books and TV… Who will you give your attention to? More than ever it’s vital to choose well! Fill your mind with influences that will cause you to shine brighter, not dim your light. Check out some podcasts and books I’ve recommended at the end of this blog!*
(9) Go for Less
I lived for five months in the UK last year, packing a small number of clothes and shoes, leaving most of my wardrobe at home. It’s amazing how I never missed anything that I had left hanging in my closet. I knew that hauling a heavy suitcase through train stations and airports wouldn’t do! Often we think we need more to be satisfied, but a lifestyle that chooses less gives you more room to give out. Lighten your load. Donate what you don’t need.
(10) Speak Love
Words are powerful. When you speak love, each kind word has the ability to change someone’s day-possibly life. Listen to the Holy Spirit who will guide your words to encourage someone right in the moment they desperately need it. It’s not always easy but if we sow this seed of love we will reap love in return.
*Check out some of my favorite books and podcasts right now:
Rooted with Beth Redman and Pippa Gumbel
Sisterhood with Bobbie Houston
Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer
Undaunted by Christine Caine
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Know Your Why by Ken Costa
Keep shining girls!
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