I once made a bet with a friend that I could bring the heaviest suitcase to camp. Yep, in hindsight probably not the smartest thing to do. And this particular location of camp was deep in the woods, where I had to drag my suitcase through the dirt for what seemed like miles. And by the end of the week, my suitcase wheel had broken, and I was wishing I hadn’t made that bet.
The loads we often drag behind us start to slow us down. Runners don’t carry anything while running, they are even looking for the lightest clothing so nothing keeps them from making good time. We can be slowed down by guilt and shame. We can’t quite forgive ourselves for what we’ve done (have ever felt like you didn’t deserve something good?). Any fear that lingers keeps our boots stuck in the mud. Pursuing God’s calling requires a cargo of faith instead of fear.
I want to live free from restraints.
Instead of dragging an unnecessary load behind me, I want to be running toward my goal. Jesus said, “I’ve come to give you life to the fullest.” That’s a running-with-no-restraints kind of life.
We’re shifting our focus to Christmas and this is the season that I can be weighed down even more…by the growing list of gift buying, the things to tackle at work before the slow down, and seeing every new, shiny commercial telling me what I need this year.
Hm, more to load up my suitcase? I don’t think so. I do know what I need, my ultimate goal: more of Jesus. Learning how to know Him more is a journey, often mysterious, that leads me toward truly living. I love that old song that says “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of this world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”
I’m ready to lighten my load.