What I learned from visiting Downton Abbey

E14206145_10154025300851701_1362050476965695151_oxcitement was ramping up as we pulled into the long tree lined driveway. A small welcome sign appeared just before the house came into view. A royal appointment in a majestic setting. Me, and hundreds of strangers with visors and cameras filed in. (That part wasn’t so majestic.)

The real Downton Abbey, Highclere Castle, is set in the beautiful countryside of Hampshire England. Spending the day there with my husband, mom and her old school friend was a highlight of summer. If you’ve watched the popular TV show, you know that the house is the main character!

Something pulls you into the story, as you walk the manicured grounds, imagining what it would be like to call it home. Dining with royalty, enjoying famous company and owning land as far as the eye can see? A girl could get lost in that daydream. What about it draws in our hearts?

There’s a desire in every heart to be a key part of an epic story. One that’s bigger than us, that confirms our value and calls us to a higher purpose.

Our God-given identity is to shine in His story, more majestic than the real Downton Abbey! It struck me as I strolled through the wildflower meadow (seriously), looking up at the towers in the distance. I could hear footsteps of tourists, and them speaking in many languages. Maybe part of what has drawn them is the desire themselves to shine. In each heart is placed this longing to be part of a dynasty that never ends.

Thanks to what Jesus has done, our identity in Him is sealed. It can never change – Daughters of the King who are invited into a story of salvation.

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