Waiting Well (Blog by Elissa)

Being single in our culture can be hard. When I was in high school I decided not to date.  Navigating this was a challenge.  But, God showed me that He had other things in mind for me in those years. Um, He did.

How do you say “no” to joining the dating scene?

Get busy. Find something else to fill up your heart and mind while you remain single. Is it music, writing or friends that you can spend time enjoying? Pretty soon my life calling began to surface during my single years – leading worship and ‘ministering’ to others. Seriously, that was soooo much more fun than dating.  Find out what you were made to do and get going with it. What has God put on your heart to DO? Is there a friend who needs your encouragement? Or a project you can accomplish?

Journal. Something else to sooth the heart that’s longing for a relationship at the wrong time is to begin a journal to your future spouse.  I wrote my thoughts down in a journal for many years. I was 25 when my husband arrived on the scene, so before then, every time I wished for him to be there, I wrote in this journal. God used that to help my heart wait for him.

Pray. How romantic to spend your years NOW praying for your future spouse! They will no doubt benefit. You’ve got power in your prayers. This is a great way to spend energy and it continuously reminds us of WHO is in control of our future – God.

Trust.  I know it sounds simple, but wait and trust God to be ridiculously clear about it. When you seek His guidance in who to date, He isn’t going to be silent. Going into a relationship is only the best thing when it’s God’s thing for you. The Holy Spirit, family and friends will give you a green light when it’s time.

Where are you at with all of this?  Can you add to these steps from your own experience?  Post your thoughts below!  Thank you for reading.


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